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Friday, October 10, 2008


The word of the day for October 10 is "kinetic."
kinetic: Supplying motive force; characterized by motion.

Synonyms: energizing

Usage: The bustling market was the kinetic center of the city, and movement seemed to radiate outward from it.

Relevance to my life: A kinetic sleeper, Lucy often assaults me after climbing into bed with me and falling asleep: a belt across the bridge of the nose here, a bony knee or elbow lodged into my ribs there, it reminds me an awful lot of the third trimester of my pregnancy with her.*

What it is NOT:
  • kinesthetic (adj) - Referring to the sense that detects body's position in space, its weight, or movement of the extremities.
    Very much like the word "proprioception," which refers to the ability to sense the position and location and orientation and movement of the body and its parts.

    My sense of proprioception is whacked: no joke, I often walk into doorways, hitting them with my shoulder, like a cat without whiskers, missing a crucial sense; other times my balance is eerily good.
  • frenetic (adj) - Wildly excited or active; frantic; frenzied.

    Although "frenetic" implies energy, it has a wilder, emotional connotation to it than kinetic does.

*Seriously, sleeping with this kid next to you requires protective padding. She's lucky she's so damn cute.


And now, an example of kinetic art. I don't know if I'm more child-like or childish, but I thought this was too cool:

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