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Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The Word of the Day for November 18 is "saltation."
saltation (noun)
  1. A light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards.
  2. Discontinuous movement, transition, or development; advancement by leaps.
  3. Genetics A single mutation that drastically alters the phenotype.
  4. Synonyms: leaping, bounce, bound, spring Usage: The kangaroo's effortless saltation was balletic and graceful. Relevance to my life: I imagine that there are some of you out there who are saying to yourselves, "My Christ, she's doing it again," as you watch each enormous saltation take me ever closer to the edge of disaster. Forget talking me down off my ledge, I'm going to need a crew fitted out with rappelling gear and a straight-jacket and 500 mg of Thorazine for me. What it is NOT: "salutation" as in that time honored cliché, "Greetings and saltations to you my friends!" wrong It's "greetings and salutations."
Speaking of rappelling gear, rock climbing and um, mountains, this scene always gives me nightmares.

Ok, never mind. I was going to put up the opening scene from Cliffhanger, but I just watched it again and, it's upsetting. I guess you could say that I have no problem suspending disbelief with some movies.

Damn. It's going to be Nightmare-City for me tonight, I can just tell, and I'm already starting the day exhausted because Littler Kid was sick last night and had me up, um, pretty much the whole time, and she's probably going to stay home again unless her fever goes down, her cough goes away and she stops puking.

Also, a totally weird aside: I had the word gallimaufry in my head when I woke up from my final doze this morning.

Am I not just the oddest person you've ever met?

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