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Sunday, November 23, 2008


The Word of the Day for November 23 is "antsy."
antsy: (adjective) Nervous and unable to relax.

Synonyms: fidgety, fretful, itchy

Usage: The long wait made the children antsy.

Relevance to my life: So antsy was I from the waiting and "not knowing" this past week, that I acted precipitously and sent a message which I thought was innocuous. Not so, it seems, judging by the reaction it provoked; though looking at it dispassionately, I can say that if something so small as a message could induce an overreaction on such a scale, perhaps I am not the one with an issue here. Nevertheless, I still feel like a douchebag.

Whenever I get antsy, I have a number of different means of coping, some are better than others. One of the less harmless coping mechanisms is cinematherapy, when I reach for one of several favorite movies, depending on my need for stupid humor (Super Troopers), some epic tale of hope with a lot of death and destruction (all 10 hours of the Lord of the Rings) or my need for a cleansing cry (Waking Ned Devine).

The broken string
A great scene from Waking Ned Devine

To the King!
This ride of the Rohirrim from the Two Towers is one of the more visually stunning scenes in a movie with amazing shots, but there's just something about the image of all those riders flooding down the mountain with the sunlight spilling after them which stuns me every time I see it.

Canada, eh? Almost made it.
For pure juvenile, smutty humor nothing beats Super Troopers. I can't even begin to count the number of times I've watched this movie.

...backed up a bit and continued...

So, which movie should I go for today? I could go see the new James Bond, but then I'd have to actually get dressed. Hmm.

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