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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The Word of the day for September 23, is "unlettered."
unlettered: (adjective) Uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication.

Synonyms: ignorant, nescient, unlearned

Usage: On points where the learned have, in purity of heart, been compelled to differ, the unlettered will necessarily be at variance.

Relevance to my life: One lesson I have learned from my online dating ventures is that the more unlettered a man is, the better he likes me, as evidenced by messages such as: "Your [sic] a beautiful women [sic]" and "I like intelligence [sic] girls." How can I not be sick with despair over the state of education in this country, to say nothing of my romantic prospects?
All-new feature!
What it is NOT- (any form of a verb): With each click of the backspace key, and with extreme spite and malice, he unlettered my Word document;


Every time some of these pundits open their mouths on television, they unletter themselves by demonstrating their ignorance.*

* I really do like this possible definition as a reflexive verb, though. :)

Note- why is this text editor fucking up my post?

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