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Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The Word of the Day for October 13 is "untiring."

untiring: (adjective) Characterized by hard work and perseverance.

Synonyms: hardworking, industrious, tireless, indefatigable.

Usage: He was an untiring fighter for justice, democracy, and tolerance.

Relevance to My Life: The kids' untiring pursuit of a sugary snack led them to drag a dining room chair into the kitchen, climb up on the counter and explore the deep recesses of one of the kitchen cupboards where they were rewarded with a crumbling bag of forgotten Hallowe'en candy.

M&Ms Get in the Bowl

This one cracks my kids up, even though they're not the biggest fans of M&Ms.

Snickers Feast Movie

This one cracks me up! I love the Viking. Plus, who doesn't love a Snickers?

Monty Python - Spam

Did someone say Vikings?

Monty Python- Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook

This is one of my all-time favorite sketches.

Monty Python - The Lumberjack Song... auf Deutsch!

Und mit Lederhosen. Brilliant.

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