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Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The Word of the Day for April 7 is "whine."

whine: (verb)
  1. To produce a sustained noise of relatively high pitch.
  2. To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.
  3. To complain or protest in a childish fashion.

Synonyms: creak, screech, squeak

Usage: As I merged onto the highway, the car engine began to whine, and I quickly pulled onto the shoulder.

Relevance to my life: My scariest airline experience came on an Aeroflot flight from Moscow to Odessa. Many of the seat backs flopped down, only half of the seats had seat belts, and the inner window next to me had a massive crack spidering in the glass. By far the scariest moment came when we were circling endlessly over the Black Sea, in concentric circles drifting lower and lower, listening to the whine of the ancient, shaking engines. My friends and I dubbed the airline "Scare-o-flot."

Beagle Puppies Whining
Whining is cute only when it's puppies, and even then I have a limit.

Cute Kid Whining
Classic, though subdued, whining technique with gratuitous tossing of the menu at the end. The judges award him a 7.5. He'll come in to his own in about a year or so.

Brat in full meltdown
Technically this is screaming and screeching, not whining, but it's pretty funny!

Why waste a temper tantrum?
This just proves that kids throw tantrums for the attention.

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