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Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The Word of the day for March 17 is "studious"

studious (adjective) Characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading.

Synonym: bookish

Usage: She was a quiet, studious child and always had her nose in a book.

Relevance to my life: In high school, many of my peers who did not know me well mistook my smart and studious exterior for stuck up and snotty. My friends knew better, but this did not change the relative inactivity of my social life.

In over twenty years, I still have not made it back to any of hte high school reunions. I had been planning to go to my 20th, but I changed my mind because that was the weekend my husband was moving out of my house. I didn't relish explaining why I was attending solo only to see triumphant looks on some people's faces, "Ah, husband's leaving her, so she still is a loser! I knew it! Some things never change."

"They" say that the best revenge is living well.


I am not there yet.

Perhaps by the time the 25th reunion rolls around, I'll be in a better place. Until then, I suppose that I can always fake it, like Romy and Michele.


Sometimes clothes do make the part, but only if you know what your business is.

Formula for Glue
Ok, you know that this is a movie, because who really looks like that at a 10-year reunion?
Oh, it's a dream sequence!

Part of the reunion clip from the movie
Romy to Heather Mooney "I bet in high school, everyone made somebody's life hell."

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