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Thursday, March 12, 2009


The Word of the Day for March 12 is "prop."

prop: (verb) To support by placing something beneath or against.

Synonyms: shore up

Usage: I had to prop my head up with my fist to keep from nodding off during the boring speech.

Relevance to my life: During the labor and delivery with my second daughter, several times I tried to prop myself up on my elbows or even sit entirely upright to alleviate the excruciating pain of back labor, but with little success. Thankfully, the baby punched her way down and out quickly*.

Not to be confused with:

  • "Working the props department" - If you've ever had the good fortune to work on a play, musical, opera or any sort of staged performance, even a ballet recital, you may have heard of or even been a part of the props department. This department is in charge of the items of the set which are integral to the plot; they're not just set decoration. Often they will be something held or touched by one of the actors. Here, the "prop" is shortened from "property."

  • "To give props to" - this slang expression is a shortened from of "to give proper respect to." Sometimes I've seen people use it together with a "raise the roof" gesture which would seem to add the meaning of "prop up." It's funny how popular language works.

*She really did "punch her way down." I'll never forget what my OB said just before those final two pushes, "Ok, I see her head, and... is that a hand?!"

That child was born, fist curled up against her head, and face-up to boot. It was painful.

Baby propped up

In the second and third "scenes" we see a boppy pillow. I loved my Boppy. It made nursing comfortable and was a convenient way to prop up very small infants

Asleep on the job

We see a guy, propped up against the wall, avoiding his desk job. Tsk. In this economy?!

Don't fall asleep at a baseball game!

Those seats are so low that a sleepy guy can't even prop up his head!

Hey, did someone say "baseball?"

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