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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The Word of the Day for October 6 is "slovenly."

slovenly: (adjective) Negligent of neatness especially in dress and person; habitually dirty and unkempt.

Synonyms: frowzy, sloppy, slipshod

Usage: He was clad in a professional but rather slovenly fashion, for his frock-coat was dingy and his trousers frayed.

Relevance to my life: When I'm deep in a depression, I tend to wear the same comfortable clothes every day and stay wrapped up in blankets on the couch; immune to my outward slovenly appearance, I remain focused inward.

When I'm depressed, I may watch something funny to try to get me to crack a smile, or I may immerse myself in something depressing and soul-crushing.

Here are some of my favorites:

One of my favorite Scrubs episodes, done in musical format

My Musical (1 of 3) - Scrubs

The third song @ 4:17, "Everything Comes Does to Poo" makes me cry, but for all the right reasons.

My Musical (2 of 3) - Scrubs

A rant sung by Dr. Cox @ 2:20.

My Musical (3 of 3) - Scrubs

Guy Love. What more can I say?

Sometimes I want something macabre. That's when I reach for Dexter:

Dexter & Doakes

This is just a great show.

What I usually watch when I'm lost in a soul-searing depression is all 5 seasons of Six Feet Under, from the beginning...

Six feet Under - pilot

"Your father is dead and my pot roast is ruined." Just like that, this series hooked me. the end.

Claire leaves home.

In my opinion, the best series finale.

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