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Sunday, October 4, 2009


The Word of the Day for October 4 is "plop."

plop (verb) Set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise.

Synonyms: flump, plank, plonk, plump down, plunk, plunk down

Usage: Exhausted, I plopped into the armchair.

Relevance to my life: After whining incessantly about how long she had to wait for supper to finish cooking, kid #2 plopped down next to me on the couch, slumped over on the verge of a mock-diabetic coma, stared at me with imploring eyes and whispered, "Please, Mommy. I'm starving."

After seeing the word of the day, the first thought that popped into my mind was the old Alka-Seltzer commerical.

Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz

Yes, that is Sammy Davis, Jr.

I'm a pepper (so's Popeye)

This diabolically catchy tune would get stuck in my head after this commercial.

I hate Dr. Pepper, too.

I'd like to buy the world a Coke....

... and contribute to a global epidemic of type 2 diabetes

Keep America Beautiful

With Iron Eyes Cody who's really of Sicilian ancestry. Bonus!

Mr. Yuk is mean, Mr. Yuk is green.

I think that they handed out some of these stickers when I was in elementary school.

Lotsa Hair from Prell

I can actually smell that vile green shit after seeing this commercial.

le Jardin du ax Factor

Dear God, I had this stuff when I was in middle school.


with Mel Torme!

Speaking of nasty perfumes from the 70s...

Jean Nate

I called this stuff Jean Nastay. I got a Jean Nate gift box one year.


'Cause I'm a Woman

But they didn't stop with Jean Nate, although they definitely should have.

The 70s were also about newfangled foods. Like Margarine, for example.

Chiffon Margarine

It's not nice to fool Mother Nature


Pringles, the Newfangled Potato Chip

...or improbably perfect potato chips neatly stack in a canister.

Palmolive, You're Soaking in it

Oh, that Madge! I love the paternalistic commentator near the end. Because you know, we poor, flighty housewives need the endorsement of a big strong man, even when it comes to dish washing liquids.

True fun fact: the original green Palmolive is my favorite because I like the way it smells. It reminds me of when I was a kid. Freaky, huh?

Calgon, Take me Away

Are you kidding? I still say this almost daily!

Calgon = Ancient Chinese Secret

There was nothing politically correct about the 70s, man.

The only commercials marketed to men in the 70s seemed to be for men's cologne:


Starring everyone's favorite QB, Joe Namath

Aqua Velva Man

I can't help but laugh at this: Pete Rose as a sex symbol? God help us.

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