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Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The Word of the Day for December 2 is "blamable."
blamable: (adjective) Deserving blame or censure as being wrong, evil or injurious.

Synonyms: blameworthy, censurable, culpable

Usage: You are aware that I am no way blamable in this matter.

Relevance to my life: I still have yet to hear his side of the story in this matter, but let me go on record and say that there is no way in Hell that I am blamable here. I am willing to accept culpability when I am in the wrong, but this time? No way. No lame finger of blame pointed my way will convince me otherwise, so just accept it: You're wrong here, pal.

Mea Culpa
Mea Culpa? Screw that - Tua Culpa, honey.

Malice Aforethought
The book which this is based on is by Francis Iles and it's my favorite mystery. It has one Hell of a twist to it. Let's just say that Dr. Bickleigh is indeed blamable, and sometimes, karma is instantaneous.

Judgment at Nuremberg - the Verdict
I am by no means a blind nationalist - I'm more of an internationalist. This is a damn good movie, and the best scene from it.

Judgment at Nuremberg - Janning's Speech
I was mistaken; this is the best scene from the movie, and its timeliness is eternal. I got shivers watching it. I think I may need to watch this again.

Seinfeld, the Verdict
"Callous Indifference?" Oh yeah, they're blamable, but it was hilarious while it lasted.

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