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Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The Word of the Day for October 15 is "mannequin."
mannequin: (noun)
  1. a woman who wears the clothes displayed at a fashion show; model
  2. a life-size dummy of the human body used to fit or display clothes
  3. an artist's jointed model

Synonyms: fashion model, model, fashion plate, dummy

Usage: She longed to become a mannequin and preened for hours before going out in public.

Relevance to my life: I've never been what you might call a clothes horse or a shopping-addict; a mannequin I am not, although if L.L.Bean or Land's End ever needs another catalogue model I'm ready with my Original Field Coat, Gore-Tex gloves, and wool sweater. God, that's sexy.

Here is my very own mini-mannequin (see the third definition) for art puroposes. It's a little Art on the Gogh kit with a mannequin, pencil, teeny-tiny pad of paper, water bottle, and minuscule watercolor set. I bought it for a fund-raising effort put on by the figure drawing group which I used to attend regularly, and keep meaning to take part in again but haven't in ages. I'm bad.


I would post a picture of one of my sketches from the figure drawing group, but I think that MySpace has some prohibition against nudity, so I guess you're SOL. Drawing from live, nude models (as opposed to cadavers? wth...) isn't nearly as embarrassing as I'd thought, although the first time we had a male model I was a little bit... flustered, for about the first 2-minute gesture pose but then I realized that time was a-wastin' and got down to sketching.

What?! I'm being honest here.

Today's movie clips:

I couldn't embed this one, so just click for the song Mannequin from Fame. Oh yeah. I bet you'd forgotten about that one, hey?

Now for that truly execrable* movie Mannequin, which goes to show that not all of those 80s John Hughes-type movies were classics you'd want to watch over and over. Of all the retellings of the Pygmalion and Galatea myth out there, this is probably the worst I've seen yet. Good God, the dancing! My eyes!

Wait! Did someone say "Pygmalion?"

*What a great word execrable is, don't you think?

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